China Strengthens Political Cohesion and Advances BRI Projects in Nepal's Leftist Camp

Published 2023 Jul 26 Wednesday

Kathmandu: In a significant move, China has taken proactive measures to foster political unity among Nepal's leftist parties while simultaneously reinforcing its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects within the nation.

China's efforts have been directed towards bringing together the various leftist factions in Nepal, signifying a strategic alignment to promote collaboration and shared goals. By encouraging unity among these parties, China aims to create a stronger and more cohesive political front, potentially leading to greater stability and more effective governance.

As part of its initiative, China has engaged in diplomatic overtures, mediating discussions, and fostering cooperation among Nepal's leftist entities. The ultimate objective is to fortify Nepal's internal political dynamics and ensure a united approach towards political matters.

Concurrently, China remains committed to its BRI projects in Nepal. The BRI is a far-reaching global infrastructure initiative aimed at enhancing economic connectivity and trade opportunities between nations. By investing in key infrastructure projects in Nepal, China seeks to strengthen bilateral ties and establish a stronger economic presence in the region.

Recently, a high-level delegation from the Chinese Communist Party, led by Politburo member Yuan Chichun, visited Nepal to solidify the longstanding friendship and cooperation between the two countries, reaffirming their commitment to the BRI.

During the visit, extensive meetings were held with Nepali leaders to discuss crucial bilateral issues and explore ways to strengthen mutual ties. The discussions covered the relations between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Nepali parties, as well as the progress of project implementation under the BRI and other Chinese-led initiatives. However, Nepal has maintained caution in fully embracing the BRI, citing concerns over its effectiveness and track record in other regions.

In response to Nepal's reservations, the Chinese delegation sought to address concerns and promote the commencement of BRI projects. Both sides engaged in seeking common ground to enhance cooperation.

The visit by the Chinese delegation comes after a prior trip by the CPC's foreign department, highlighting China's eagerness to convince major stakeholders in Nepal about the viability and success of BRI projects.

During the meetings, the Chinese delegation also emphasized the importance of forming a single leftist party in Nepal to create a strong political force. This aligns with China's recent suggestions to Nepal's communist parties to unite. However, some leaders expressed doubts about the sustainability of such cooperation, particularly if the Maoists collaborate with other parties.

It is noteworthy that the Chinese delegation's visit took place shortly after a one-day visit by the US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, Donald Lu. During his visit, Lu stressed the implementation of agreements with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), an American aid mission providing support for Nepal's energy and infrastructure development.

In conclusion, China's initiatives to promote political cohesion among Nepal's leftist parties and advance BRI projects in the country have significant implications for Nepal's political landscape and economic development. The visit of the Chinese Communist Party delegation has brought attention to the implementation of agreements and has opened channels for further cooperation, amid pressures from both China and the US in their respective development initiatives in Nepal.
